Monster Movie Download in Hindi - Movievercity

Monster Movie Download in Hindi – Movievercity

Monster Movie Overview

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In the Japanese film “Monster” (2023), directed and edited by Hirokazu Kore-eda, the story is a psychological drama and mystery thriller that unfolds through the perspectives of a single mother, her young son, and his teacher.

Monster Movie Download in Hindi – Movievercity

The plot centers on Saori Mugino, a single mother raising her fifth-grade son, Minato. Saori starts noticing odd changes in Minato’s behavior—he cuts his own hair, comes home with only one shoe, and one night, he doesn’t come home at all. Saori finds him later in an abandoned train tunnel, adding to her growing concern.

Saori suspects Minato’s teacher, Mr. Hori, is behind her son’s troubling behavior. When she confronts the school about her suspicions, the faculty responds coldly, and Mr. Hori offers a half-hearted apology. However, Mr. Hori claims Minato is actually bullying another student named Yori, which Saori finds hard to believe.

Monster Movie Download in Hindi – Movievercity

Determined to uncover the truth, Saori visits Yori’s home. There, she finds Yori acting strangely but also showing a genuine concern for Minato. Despite this, the situation at school escalates—Mr. Hori is eventually dismissed, but he returns days later, leading to a distressing incident where Minato falls down a flight of stairs while trying to escape from him. During a rainstorm, Mr. Hori shows up at Saori and Minato’s house, but Saori discovers that Minato is missing.

Monster Movie Download in Hindi – Movievercity

The narrative then shifts to Mr. Hori’s perspective, providing a different angle on the events. Mr. Hori had noticed Minato behaving disruptively in class, throwing other students’ belongings and seemingly locking Yori in a bathroom stall. Concerned, Hori visited Yori’s home and discovered that Yori’s father, Kiyotaka, was an abusive alcoholic.

Monster Movie Download in Hindi – Movievercity

When Saori started questioning the school about her son’s behavior, the faculty pressured Mr. Hori to step back, fearing damage to the school’s reputation. This ultimately led to Hori’s forced resignation.

The film’s interwoven perspectives reveal a complex web of misunderstanding and hidden truths, illustrating the challenging dynamics between the characters and the devastating impact of abuse and neglect on children. “Monster” delves deep into the emotional and psychological struggles faced by its characters, painting a poignant and intricate picture of their lives.

Monster Movie Download in Hindi – Movievercity


The name of the Director of Monster is Hirokazu Koreeda


IMDB Rating

7.8 out of 10


Approximately 2 hours and7 minutes

Monster Movie Download in Hindi – Movievercity


In “Monster” (2023), a Japanese psychological drama directed by Hirokazu Kore-eda, the story unfolds through the perspectives of a single mother, her son, and his teacher. Saori Mugino, a single mother, becomes alarmed by her fifth-grade son Minato’s strange behavior—cutting his hair, coming home with one shoe, and one night, not coming home at all. She finds him in an abandoned train tunnel and suspects his teacher, Mr. Hori, of abuse.

Confronting the school, Saori is met with coldness, and Mr. Hori claims Minato is actually bullying another student, Yori. Saori visits Yori’s home and finds Yori behaving oddly but concerned for Minato. After Mr. Hori is dismissed from the school, Minato tries to flee from him and falls down stairs. Later, during a rainstorm, Mr. Hori visits Saori’s home, but Minato is missing.

The narrative shifts to Mr. Hori’s viewpoint, revealing Minato’s disruptive behavior and Yori’s abusive home life. The school pressures Mr. Hori to resign to protect its reputation, leading to a complex web of misunderstandings. “Monster” explores the emotional and psychological turmoil of its characters, highlighting the hidden struggles and consequences of abuse and neglect.

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